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This guide contains the steps needed to set up your node on the EigenDA testnet. The testnet is used to test the operational and performance requirements for running a node before deploying on mainnet. The testnet is under constant stress tests and has frequent updates to the node software and other network components. It’s important to check regularly for new updates to the software and documentation.

Migration to EigenDA Blazar (V2)

EigenDA Blazar (V2) is a new version of the EigenDA protocol that is currently in development. It is not yet available on mainnet.

Current testnet operators running v1 must follow the Blazar migration guide to update their nodes to v2.

New operator onboarding

Start by understanding the Requirements for being an EigenDA operator and running an EigenDA node. If you are able to satisfy all of the elligibility requirements for becoming a node operator, proceed onward to run your node. It's important that you properly configure and start your node before registering your operator with the network and becoming subject to the SLA.

EigenDA is in a state of active development. Operators must make sure to listen for node software updates in the correct channels and to implement these upgrades promptly.